Next Week!! Join your fav Southern Authors for a personal chat about "Lessons Learned From Livin' Down South--What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger" and more Friday book give-aways!
Thanks for leaving feedback this week for our awesome guest authors. Each time you left feedback, your name went in the old straw hat for today’s drawing. You do need to respond privately to me and provide your info, address etc. by Monday, Feb. 16 at 10:00 a.m. eastern. If I don’t hear from you by then, no biggie--another name will be drawn. Each author is personally autographing and mailing your book to you.
Thank you, authors Deb Raney, Karen Ball, Stephen and Janet Bly, and Francine Rivers and my beloved Babe, Pastor Randy Hickman for chatting with us this week!
Here are the winners:
Tracey Bateman winner of Karen Ball’s Breaking Point
Lori Benton winner of Karen Ball’s Shattered Justice (contact Patty today!)
Carla Stewart winner of Karen Ball’s A Test of Faith
Laura Lee Bliss winner of Stephen Bly’s Memories of a Dirt Road
Wanda Laine winner of my novel Earthly Vows
Connie Sue winner of my novel Earthly Vows
Ruth Anne Boone winner of my novel Earthly Vows
Joyce Mahan winner of Francine Rivers’ The Last Sin Eater
Beth K. Vogt winner of Francine Rivers’ The Atonement Child (contact Patty today!)
Rick Estep winner of Francine Rivers’ Redeeming Love (contact Patty today!)
Congratulations, Winners! Please email me at with your name, book you won,
and your mailing address. Please allow ten days to two weeks for books to arrive.
I hope that you are having a blessed Valentine’s Day. You may have a friend who might be feeling a little melancholy around this special day. Remember to send her a card or buy her some chocolates and let her know that she is especially thought of on this day.
Over and out!
Patty Valentino Hickman
Your Friendly Neighborhood Cupid
The Storm
9 months ago