Sunday, February 8, 2009

Romancing the Authors Week Book Give-Away

This week join Patty and bestselling authors each day as they chat about "The Pinnacles and Pitfalls of Being in Love." Three copies of Patty's novel Earthly Vows will be given away following a drawing Friday. Your name is entered each day for your blog post on that day. So if you post every day, that's five entries!
Here's Our Guest Line-up:

Monday: Join Patty and popular romance novelist Deb Raney as Deb talks about her own struggles as a wife and how she found a steady plane in her real-life romance.

Tuesday: Patty chats with romance author and head fiction editor Karen Ball. Karen shares how she and her hubby found restoration through a change in how they communicate.
Wednesday: Patty and her hubby, Senior Pastor Randy Hickman talk frankly about marital issues that nearly destroyed their marriage. From porn to the priesthood, the Hickmans share frankly their personal marriage transformation.

Thursday: Husband and wife writers Steve and Janet Bly share how quickly life can turn rhapsody to tragedy.

Mystery Guest Friday: A beloved bestselling novelist shares about the Greatest Romance of all time.

To win a copy of Patty's novel Earthly Vows, simply post once a day to have your name entered for a book give-away on Friday!

Please revisit Friday p.m. for winners' list. I'll need shipping addresses.