Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Need For a Happier Ending

Our dear friend and Safehouse contact recently discussed the plight of the victims of human trafficking with an entrepreneur who told her this story: A young Moldavian woman, believing she was getting employment through an American contact, was kidnapped and brought to the states. She was abused and used ten times a day by male clients and beaten by the man who had kidnapped her. She became so disease-ridden she could no longer perform. After another beating, she escaped and contacted a safehouse director who told her how to catch a bus where they would be waiting for her at the trip’s end. But then the man from whom she escaped ran her down. When her bus stopped for a break, the bus driver was paid off and he would not let her back on the bus even though she had a ticket paid all the way through her destination. When the bus drove away, she was abducted again, but this time, beaten to death. She did not make it.

This prompted some dialogue that raised questions about how to better serve the rescue process. Some solutions are in the works to help make the victim’s rescue a safe one.

I’m so sorry to share these types of things. I’d rather talk about parenting or how to be a better writer. But this story brings home the importance of rescue work on behalf of women and children who have been turned into modern day slaves. The sad news is that it’s believed that up to 200 slaves are kept in this manner in every major city here in the U.S.

I want to thank those of you who made our recent endeavors a reality. One day you’ll tell your grandchildren about slavery in America and what you did to help bring it to an end.